Feeling So Proud

Dance-A-Cise IS FEELING SO PROUD I have just sat a read all your report forms. Girls,boys,ladies & gents I’m sat here with tears of joy in my eyes. I’m so very proud of you all. Can’t wait to see you all next week. XXX

Summer school news

Dance-A-Cise is feeling excited. Published by Janette Gregory · Just now ·  Summer school news. Booking forms are now available however we have had to make a slight change to our program due to the fact that “Mary Poppins” our chosen musical does not open in the west end until October 23rd 2019. So we have decided to show the DVD of Mary Poppins Returns on Friday August 2nd and to book tickets for the stage show for Saturday October 26th 2019. We will be reserving the tickets on March 14th. So if you would like to attend the theatre please register ASAP. You will be...

Time table continued

INTERNATIONAL DANCE TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION   EXAMINATION TIMETABLE   PRINCIPAL Janette Gregory ……………   DATE March 16th 2019……………………..…..…………   1          2                     3                                   4                             5                     6                 7 No Time First Name Surname Branch (Note A) Grade (Note B) Pin Number 39 12.01 Lilly Banks MTR INTRO CDR141 40 12.01 Ava Wilkins MTR INTRO CDR142 41 12.11 Rosie Pennington T PRE BUX994 42 12.11 Meghan Gaston T PRE BPK871 43 12.17 Tillie-rai Rowlings T PG BUX985 44 12.17 Maddison Chapman T PG BYH306 45 12.32 Lily Jebaharan BT G2 BFI993 46 12.52   LUNCH       47 13.20 Keira-Louize...

Exam timetable for Saturday March 16th 2019

INTERNATIONAL DANCE TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION   EXAMINATION TIMETABLE PRINCIPAL …Janette Gregory…………  DATE …March 16th 2019……………………..…..…………   1          2                     3                                   4                             5                     6                 7 No Time First Name Surname Branch (NoteA) Grade (Note B) Pin Number 1 10.00 Millie Wickes TR1 BW   2 10.00 Hollie Harrison TR2 BW CDR146 3 10.00 Lucy La Roche TR2 BW CDR148 4 10.00 Ella Istead TR2 BW   5 10.00 Sophie Evie TR2 BW CAZ105 6 10.05 George Willmer TAD B   7 10.10 Alice Friend T B BMA739 8 10.15 Zorain Peerbhoy TAD G BYH411 9 10.20 Millie Wickes TR2...

Message for all Saturday pupils taking Grade 1 Tap classwork Assessment. Please note there was a mistake as to the times of your new class starting in April on the letters you took home yesterday. As from Saturday April 27th 2019 your lessons will start at 14:00 with Grade 1 Ballet which will be followed by your tap class finishing at 15:30. Apologise for any confusion caused.


As most of you already know we are having to use a different hall on the above date. This is for one week only and will not affect the time of your classes. The venue address is:- Leyton Cross Social Club, Tredegar Road, Wilmington, Dartford. DA2 7AZ.  


Dates for your Diary’s 2019 Happy New year Everyone Monday January 7th 2019 All classes return. Monday February 18th ‘19 – Saturday February 23rd ’19 inclusive HALF TERM Saturday March 9th 2019. Focus on the arts “Show Case” (We will be performing in the 19:00 show ) SATURDAY MARCH 16th 2018 EXAMS Thursday March 21st ’19 – Monday April 22nd  ’19 inclusive Easter Holiday. PRESENTATION DAY Saturday May 11th ’19 16:30 – 18:30 (Please note change of time). This will run as last year with a photograph taking portraits, I hasten to add a different photograph to last year! a...

Dates for your Diary’s

With the end of term approaching far faster than we really want We thought we would send out a invitation for you to all watch the classes on the last week of term. So as from Monday December 10th 2018 you are all invited to watch your children’s classes and to see what syllabus work they are all doing for their exams in March.