Exam results are in and we have a 100% pass rate again! With some amazing individual results. I can’t wait to share them with you all when we return to class. Well done all.
Exam day tomorrow
All classes completed all students ready😃. Please note there are classes still next Monday Tuesday & Wednesday.
Exam fees
Please could you make sure that all exam fees are paid in full no later than February 24th 2024. Thank you.
Exam Fees
This is a polite reminder. All exam fees need to be paid in full on or before February 24th 2024. Thank you.
Exam uniform
Could you all please make sure you have all your required uniform for your exams. If not please just ask your teacher for an order form and we will make sure you have it in plenty of time.
With exams now only 6 weeks away the time table is ready. Please ask your teacher for your exam time and then ensure you are at the venue 30 minutes before your exam. Thank you.
Our next exam session is planned for Saturday march 9th 2024. This might sound a long way off to you but as the request form needs to be sent in over the exams holidays there are not so many weeks for us. We plan to enter all students (from beginners up)for an exam but if...