Let’s get dancing
First vaccine received, COVID tests ordered,shoes cleaned, bags packed, music ready lets get Dance-a-cise DANCING again. So excited to be able to re-open again from tomorrow. See you all soon. 🙂
First vaccine received, COVID tests ordered,shoes cleaned, bags packed, music ready lets get Dance-a-cise DANCING again. So excited to be able to re-open again from tomorrow. See you all soon. 🙂
We Have a green light and all classes for under 18’s will re start from Monday April 12th. SOOOOOOOO Excited 🙂
Happy Easter everyone. We’re feeling eggcited here this Easter as it’s still looking good for us to start classes for our under 18’s on Monday April 12. We will have conformation on Monday so it’s all fingers crossed . In the meantime enjoy your Easter break.
I There are only a few of these Ballet terminology booklets left. £2.50 each. If you would like me to reserve one for you please let me know. They cover all grades from Primary up to Advanced 2 inclusive. We will be covering our glossary during the new term using the new spinning wheels.
Dance-A-Cise is feeling excited.  Just two weeks left and then I will be able to see all our amazing students and give them their certificates (all packed up and ready to go!)from the exam session on December 12 2020. So proud of them all some even achieving 90% and we only had one lesson between the last lock down and the exams. Really can’t express just how excited I am. See you all soon
This lock downs achievement. Now to start getting my head around the new syllabus we’re going to introduce for our younger students and class plans for all age groups ready for reopening in 3 weeks. Just wish we could start up all classes but alas over 18’s have to wait until May 17th as things stand. Starting to get excited now. Can’t wait to see you all.
Provisional date for “A little bit of this a little bit of that 2021” Sunday November 21st 2021. This date needs to be confirmed with venue which we are unable to do at present due to COVID restrictions. Saturday March 19th 2022 Exams.
Now that schools are all back and I’m happily making plans for us to return to class next month I’m going to make this the last through back for the time being. So come on mums and dads dig deep and find some photos to share with us. My photo is from 2013!
Just wanted to let you all know I will be thinking of you all tomorrow morning when you return to school. Enjoy being back among your friends and hopefully our dancing family will be back together soon. Have fun everyone.