New Term

Only 3days left now until the start of term. I don’t know about all our lovely students but I can’t wait to get dancing again. All invoices have been sent out with a note confirming dates for this term on the bottom You should all also have received an updated version of our COVID- 19 risk assessment.Any questions or if you didn’t receive the above please let me know. We all know what I’m like when it comes to technology 🙈.looking forward to welcoming all our dance family back from Monday September 6th 2021

New term!

We are all starting to get very excited with the new term just around the corner and the new branch opening out in Vigo. We had the most amazing summer school dancing our way around the world. So bring on the new term and all the new adventures .See you all soon 😃

Super Excited

Super Excited

Car all loaded with props, craft, music, song sheets, colouring sheets, tap shoes, ballet shoes everything apart from the kitchen sink! Why? IT’S SUMMER SCHOOL WEEK starting tomorrow. See you all at 10:00 am tomorrow.

1 space available

1 space available

Sadly 1 of our students has had to drop out of summer school so we have one space free on this four day fun filled adventure. If anyone is interested please message us or give me a call on 07765556418 for more details. The days run from 10 – 15:00.



Well we have made it. A full term without being locked down these past 13 weeks have been amazing back doing what I love best. I’m just sad that so many of you had to miss class this week due to isolating and that I will now not see you again until September. Some I will see at SUMMER SCHOOL so excited about that we all really missed that very special week last year. There are a couple of places left if anyone is interested, we will operating as a bubble through out that week. Before I sign off I...



We are so excited to be able to announce the opening of a new branch. As from Tuesday September 7th 2021 Dance-A- Cise will have a branch in VIGO to run along side our already established WILMINGTON branch. Our Vigo branch will teach Musical Theatre on a Tuesday and Ballet and Tap on a Thursday. For more details and to book a free taster class please visit. We look forward to welcoming new students into our dance family.

Summer School Time-table

Summer School Time-table

We’re starting to get excited now summer school 2021 with the theme around the world is just around the corner. Our time-table this year will run as follows. Monday: A.M. Ballet – Africa, P.M. Modern – America Tuesday: A.M. Tap – Ireland, P.M. Drama – Travel Wednesday: A.M. Street – India, P.M. Musical Theatre – Egypt Thursday: A.M. Re-Cap the above work, P.M. Mini Show for parents. N.B. The show is dependent upon COVID restrictions at the time if needs be we will video the show for all parents to see.    



This year we will be operating a bubble for summer school which will allow us 15 students however it does mean that students can not dip in and out for the odd day. By choosing this method we are able to offer another 5 students a chance to join us for this fun filled week of  singing, dancing, craft and laughing. Our COVID policy will remain in place through out the four days, Monday July 26th – Thursday July 29th. If anyone is interested in joining us please email:  for full details.

Latest news on Monty

Latest news on Monty

Monty’s Puppy Page On this page New beginning Your downloadable content Follow Monty on Facebook Monty’s photo gallery Monty’s video gallery Previous Pupdates New beginning Although we have a world-class breeding and training programme, not every pup will be suited to becoming a guide dog and occasionally, puppies need to be removed from training for their best interests and those of the potential owner. Since we sent you your last Pupdate, we’ve sadly made the decision to take Monty out of the training programme, and we wanted to explain to you the reasons why we made this difficult decision.  Monty...



Following yesterdays COVID announcement we will be keeping our numbers the same. We currently have 10 booked in. We will take a reserve list still and hopefully be able another 5 students if restrictions are changed / lifted on July 19th.