This is just a polite reminder. Once a student has their uniform we would be very grateful if it is worn at every lesson. We find that it makes a huge difference to the students attitudes and concentration. Also please could hair be pulled back off the face. We are not asking for classical buns...
Author: Jan Gregory (Jan Gregory)
Please don’t forget that some of you will have new class times from today. You should have been informed by your teacher. If in doubt please contact her to check your class time.
Holiday dates
Please note there are no more classes this week,this is due to half term. All classes start week commencing Monday October 31st 2022
We have a few spaces available in both our hop skip and dance class for (18months & over with parent participation) and our beginners tap & ballet class(4/5 years)both classes are in Wilmington on a Saturday morning. To book a free taster and for more information just visit
A Little bit of this a little bit of that 2023
Please note that our annual show is all booked into the “Mick Jagger Centre” for Saturday July 15th 2023. .
It’s great to be back
It’s been so good having all our classes back this week and what a week. We have welcomed 6 new students into our dance family.Please note at the bottom of the document sent out with all term dates you will find some important dates for your diary ,exams, show & summer school amongst them.Please note...
Rest In Peace
All classes are back 😀 Free taster sessions available
Hope you have all had an amazing summer and are now looking forward to returning to or even starting your new dance class. We look forward to welcoming our new students this week. If you are looking for something new to try why not visit our website to book a free taster. Please note...