One simple word sincerely meant.
This coming Saturday June 8th there is an intense stretch and pointe class. Those wishing to attend please tell your teacher this week. 🩰
Thank you all for your generosity yesterday. We raised an amazing £247. This will be put towards getting our show on and then the profits at the end of that will be shared between our charity’s. Thank you so much.
What a relief to be able to share this amazing news with you all at last. These four musical theatre students having scored 90% in their exam only went and got themselves nominated for the IDTA national musical awards. We had to send a video of their exam piece “Down & out” from Bugsy Malone. Unfortunately we didn’t make the finals in Blackpool next month but ho what an achievement all the hundreds of schools in the country I feel so honored to be their teacher. A special thanks to my very dear friend Trevor Markland for doing the score...
Thank you those who could attend this afternoon for helping make our students celebration special. They have worked hard and achieved fantastic exam results again. Many in the 80% and over bracket. We’re so very proud of you all.
Please could all students attending presentation wear their uniform. Thank you
This Saturday is that special day when we celebrate our students & their amazing exam success we will have a second hand uniform stall and Dancers box will be there for you to order any uniform you want. There will also be cakes and drinks on sale along with a raffle and lucky dip to start off this year’s charity fund raising. Please come along and help us celebrate
Will run from July 29th-August1st inclusive. With a trip to the Victoria Apollo theatre to see “Wicked”. Prices to remain the same as the past 2 years and do 3 days get 4th free a sibling discount will also be in place. Spaces are limited if interested please ask for a booking form at presentation on Saturday or message me. PLEASE NOTE THIS FUN EVENT IS OPEN TO ALL & NOT JUST D-A-C STUDENTS. 2 full days must be attended to come to the theatre.