I have copied the statement below from a newsletter I have received this afternoon. I will be speaking to our examiner tomorrow and once I have done that I will email everyone with all details. Not looking as bad as I thought when I first heard the news today,I was absolutely devastated when I heard we were tier 3, but the rules have changed. Please read the statement below and I will be in touch as soon as I have spoken to Mrs Plummer. Our understanding is that dance schools can remain open and classes and exams can continue for...

Feeling Positive.

Feeling Positive.

Hope this finds you all well and safe. I’m counting the hours until we can return to class. Started getting all excited and then realized we would only be back for a week before we break up for Christmas that deflated my bubble a bit! Exams are still looking good for Saturday December 12th 2020. Could you please check you all have everything you need if not get it ordered and then I will be able to give it to you at your 1 and only lesson AHHHHHH! If any of you need hair pots to do your hair I...



Please all check your emails. I have sent out all exam information along with the time table. Musical theatre students have an additional email too. Hope your all well and safe. I,m missing you all like mad. I just want to get my dancing shoes back on and share my days with my lovely students. X



I have just sent out emails to all parents. Please look out for them. I will be doing all adult tappers and keep- fit clients shortly.



Please bear with me everyone you will all be receiving an email with details as to what is ti happen. All classes adult and childrens will continue as normal until 21:00 on Wednesday evening. November 11th 2020.



To help us raise money for Monty our guide dog, and following a chat with with some of our pupils yesterday, we have decided to impose a 20p fine if pupils do not arrive at class with their hair neatly tied back in a bun. The money will go into the collection box in the hall and be put towards the monthly payments towards helping Monty reach his goal of becoming a guide dog.



Over the past three weeks we have had the pleasure of welcoming three new members to our dance family. So excited to have another 2 boys join us along with their sisters.

Another job done.

Another job done.

We would like to say a very big thank you Justin Hudson from “Safety skills 4 life training” for making our training day enjoyable. That’s us all caught up again.



Please note that it is mandatory now for everyone of 12 years and over to wear a face covering whilst in both of our venues at all times other than when they are dancing/ exercising Dancersbox have now added a selection of face coverings to our uniform page. To purchase please use the students section on our website and put D-A-C in the notes on the payment page I will receive your order on the Thursday for you collect from me saving you a trip to the shop or postage.