

We will still be open this week. Both our venues are cool which is a blessing in the summer but not so much in the winter! Classes will all be planned accordingly with no cardio in the keep – fit just a nice gentle stretch. Please make sure that ALL students attending bring water bottles...


Exciting news

Thanks to all of you, the support of parents and relations and most of all the hard work of all our students we have raised an amazing ÂŁ800 this year for our two charities Cardiomyopathy us and Dreams we will be split equally between them. This now means that the total raised over the years...


Just 24hours until Show Day!

It’s all go behind the scenes getting everything ready to transport to “The Mick Jagger Centre” early tomorrow morning for our show at 14:00 hours please make sure you have all read your emails so you know what time to arrive. When you get there please head straight to STUDIO J 3. See you lol...


Show news

Only 25 tickets left for our show “A little bit of this a little bit of that” on Saturday June 25th at “The Mick Jagger Centre” wouldn’t it be great if we could have a sell out please try to help us achieve that. Who’s relations or elderly neighbors would like to join us. Please...


Show tickets

I only have 38 tickets left for our show on Saturday June 25. I know there are quite a few families who haven’t yet purchased their tickets. All tickets are sold on a first come basis and I’m sorry but with out a ticket you will not be able to enter the venue.


Finale show details

I have just finished sending out all emails with details for each student regarding the show.if you have not received this please check your junk mail and let me know ASAP if you have not received it. Thank you


Show tickets

“A little bit of this a little bit of that” is drawing closer. If you haven’t already booked your tickets please do so ASAP there are only 40 tickets left These are sold on a first come first served basis.