
Tidy Hair!

Please note that as from the beginning of term we will be much stricter about pupils hair. Some of the girls now have exceptionally long hair and if so just pulled back in a ponytail will no longer be accepted in class. This is for health a safety I am sure that to be hit...


Show News.

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So Sorry

I am unable to paste the photos of our guide dog over to the blog but if you would like to see “Monty” please visit our facebook page.



Breaking news. I was unable to sponsor 2 guide dogs or to name one that was £4,000 but we are able to sponsor a dog for the first 12 months of his training. Hopefully next year we will be able to raise the money for his final year of training. Whilst away this weekend I...


Dates for your diaries

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Monday September 9th 2019 All classes return. Saturday September 14th 2019 Dancers Box will be coming down to St. Michael’s Church Hall and will be providing a fitting service for all dance shoes and school uniform between 9:30 a.m & 13:00 so even if your class isn’t on a Saturday please...


Summer School Balance

Please note “Summer School” balance is now due. Please make sure that you are fully paid up by July 13th 2019 Thank you


Summer School admissions

Interested in joining us for our annual summer school ? It’s a happy fun filled week full of laughter for all abilities. It’s open to one and all pupils friends and even those who just want to try something new over the holidays, we have no objection if you even attend another dance school, this...


The Summer School Time-table

Summer School time table is here. Monday July 29 Acro & Contemporary Tuesday July 30 Tap & Street Jazz Wednesday July 31 Drama & Craft Thursday August 1 Musical Theatre Friday August 2 Mary Poppins film day Saturday August 10 Trip to “The Churchill Theatre” Bromley to see the youth production of “Shrek the musical”


Show tickets are now on sale

To purchase tickets for this years show please place your money in an envelope with name and number of tickets you require on it and hand to Jan. You will be handed your tickets at your next lesson. All tickets are £10 and sold on a first come first served basis.



Thank you Phil Burt for all your hard work yesterday taking all the photographs. I know there were a few of you who didn’t get a chance to purchase any yesterday so Phil has very kindle offered to comedown next Saturday if you would like to pop down to have a look. He will be...