After 6 months we are fully open

After 6 months we are fully open

Morning everyone well we are half into first full week back at class and I’m loving it. I’m not even moaning about all the floor washing and disinfecting, and for someone who really hates housework that says a lot! Anyone wanting to check their class times please go to the website and look at the...



The class for tomorrow is now fully booked, so please do not just turn up as we will not be able to let you in as our numbers are restricted due COVID and government guidelines. There are still a few places left for August 18th & 25th. We will then be having a one week...



Two spaces left for the class at St. Michaels church hall Wilmington, this coming Tuesday 28-07-2020. If you would like a place please book by messaging as no walkins will accepted.

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