Thank you all for your generosity yesterday. We raised an amazing £247. This will be put towards getting our show on and then the profits at the end of that will be shared between our charity’s. Thank you so much.
Presentation day 2024
Thank you those who could attend this afternoon for helping make our students celebration special. They have worked hard and achieved fantastic exam results again. Many in the 80% and over bracket. We’re so very proud of you all.
Presentation day
This Saturday is that special day when we celebrate our students & their amazing exam success we will have a second hand uniform stall and Dancers box will be there for you to order any uniform you want. There will also be cakes and drinks on sale along with a raffle and lucky dip to...
It’s show term!
Please help us at this very busy time by returning your consent forms. We really do need to know who needs costumes TIA
Consent Forms
Please can we have consent forms for the show back ASAP. It really does help us with choreography allocation of dressing rooms and the number of helpers we need on show day. thank you. X
“All things green”
Well we’ve done it. 30 tickets at £39.50 to see “Wicked” at Victoria Apollo on 1/8/24. This is an evening performance so maybe not suitable for all. To come on this trip you must attend at least 2 days of summer school. (Excluding parents you are just to attend with your child) Booking forms will...
Photo Thursday
Phil will be at our Vigo venue this Thursday April 25th to take your portraits. Please come dressed as for your exams. Siblings and family photos are also being offered.