Don’t forget if you have any uniform including shoes that no longer fit (think that’s most of you after the past 6 months) you can head to the students section of the website and advertise them for sale. Make use of this to buy and sell amongst yourselves.
Please could you all please return your waver forms ASAP. To do this online please just save the document as, save as complete and return. Alternatively print and complete. Many thanks.
After 6 months we are fully open
Morning everyone well we are half into first full week back at class and I’m loving it. I’m not even moaning about all the floor washing and disinfecting, and for someone who really hates housework that says a lot! Anyone wanting to check their class times please go to the website and look at the...
Thank you IDTA
Just received these in the post for our pupils who took part in our activities during lock down. I will be giving them out when we return to our full timetable in September.
Week 2 of our catch-up classes
A few new faces in for classes this week.We’re loving meeting up again and doing what we love.
Feeling Great!
Don’t think I have the words to describe how I felt last night when I got home from teaching. Alive, human, amazing, ME. A very quiet night 2 private lessons and 2 adult tap classes but we now know at all the guidelines are in place and it all works. Can’t wait to get back...