You’ve done it again!

You’ve done it again!

Exam results are in and we have a 100% pass rate again! With some amazing individual results. I can’t wait to share them with you all when we return to class. Well done all.



Summer school 2024 Will run from Monday July 29th to Thursday August 1st inclusive. Prices to remain the same as the previous 3years. There will be a trip to the west end on the Thursday evening for those wanting to come. Our theme this year is “ALL THINGS GREEN”

Exam day tomorrow

Exam day tomorrow

All classes completed all students ready😃. Please note there are classes still next Monday Tuesday & Wednesday.

Exciting news

Exciting news

As from April 2024 we will be introducing the new IDTA “First steps tap” syllabus to our “Hop, skip & dance” class and the “First steps ballet” from September 2024. Feeling excited 😆

Exam fees

Exam fees

Please could you make sure that all exam fees are paid in full no later than February 24th 2024. Thank you.

Half term

Half term

All classes as normal tomorrow 10-2-24 our half term starts Monday 12-2-24 to Saturday 17-2-24 inclusive.

Exam Fees

Exam Fees

This is a polite reminder. All exam fees need to be paid in full on or before February 24th 2024. Thank you.