Want to get on top of your terminology as your teacher about purchasing one of these little books. It has all you need to know of all your ballet grades.
Author: Jan Gregory (Jan Gregory)
Introduce a friend
Don’t forget introduce a friend let us know and when they register with our dance family ( doesn’t have to be your class) you will get a half term free. 😉 Spread the word it’s a win win.
Saturday stretch
Our monthly stretch and strengthening class is growing on popularity and the students all showing improvement in their syllabus work due to it
Musical Theatre 🎭
We are looking to expand our 2 musical theatre groups. Tuesdays in Vigo for students 6yrs+ & Wednesdays in Wilmington 8yrs+. These 2 groups love singing dancing and learning all about the theatre. If your children would like to give this a go just go to www.dance-a-cise.co.uk to book a free taster session
We’re Now on Instagram!You can now find us at @dance.a.cise! Follow us for updates, behind-the-scenes moments, class highlights, and so much more. Don’t miss a beat—join us on this exciting journey. Welcome to Dance-A-Cise!For those new to our page, let us reintroduce ourselves! At Dance-A-Cise, we believe dance is a beautiful way to express yourself,...
Sunday March 2nd, 2025.
“Let’s get the national dancing” As we all know dance is good for both our physical health and & mental welfare, along with Angela Rippon the NHS want us all to get up and dance. So why not come along and join us between 14:00 & 16:30 for a little bit of shake rattle &...
Next stretch class
Saturday February 1st is our next intense stretch/pointe class. Please make sure you have booked your place as numbers are limited. Location: Wilmington. Time: 14:00-14:45
Monday January 6th ‘25
We are really looking forward to seeing you all next week when all our classes resume. Don’t forget our “introduce a friend” offer. Introduced a friend to our dance family, let us know and if they should register after their free taster you will receive a free half terms worth of lessons.
New year new term
We are now taking bookings for free taster classes in ballet, tap, street, and musical theatre classes in both Wilmington and Vigo. Our dance family was established back in 1985 and are so proud of our students past and present and the 💯 success rate in exams they have. For more information and to book...