Well that’s it the end of another term and the Christmas holidays are fast approaching. We just wanted to wish all of our lovely students and their families a very happy Christmas and all the best for 2024. Our next term starts on Tuesday January 2nd. Take care and have fun everyone 🎄
Author: Jan Gregory (Jan Gregory)
Watching week
Please don’t forget you are all invited to watch your children’s classes next week, week commencing 4/12/23 this is also our last week of lessons this term. All classes return from the 2/01/24
What a fantastic week.
This week has been simply one of the best. Over the past twelve months a couple of our students have been through life changing experiences. We can not put into words just how proud we are of you both and to have you both return to us this week has put smiles on everyone’s faces....
Don’t forget!
đź©°Tomorrow is our next stretch strengthen and pointe lesson. If you were invited to come along we start at 16:30. See you there đź©°
Road works
I have just seen that there are road works out side the church hall. Please use car park behind hall to drop off and pick over the next few days. Thanks.
Free taster class
We have a few spaces within our dance family in both Wilmington & Vigo. Wilmington:Adult keep fit/ stretch class on a Monday evening and in the lower children’s grades on a Saturday. Vigo: mini & junior street and beginners musical theatre on a Tuesday and lower ballet grades on a Thursday. Visit www.dance-a-cise.co.uk to book...
Our next exam session is planned for Saturday march 9th 2024. This might sound a long way off to you but as the request form needs to be sent in over the exams holidays there are not so many weeks for us. We plan to enter all students (from beginners up)for an exam but if...
A date for your diary
WATCHING WEEK! Week commencing Monday December 4th 2023 we would like to invite all parents to watch their children’s dance classes. You will be able to see how they have progressed with their syllabus work and what they will be doing in our next exam session. We look forward to seeing you all.
All class return
Please note even though some schools are still on half term all our classes return from Monday October 30th 2023. Looking forward to seeing you all again this week.