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New beginning
Although we have a world-class breeding and training programme, not every pup will be suited to becoming a guide dog and occasionally, puppies need to be removed from training for their best interests and those of the potential owner. Since we sent you your last Pupdate, we’ve sadly made the decision to take Monty out of the training programme, and we wanted to explain to you the reasons why we made this difficult decision.
Monty has come a long way and learnt many skills during his journey to becoming a guide dog. However, whilst walking on the lead and wearing a harness, he has been showing signs of high levels of anxiety and fear towards passing traffic, cyclists, prams and wheelchairs. Our trainers tried numerous training methods to overcome this, such as keeping Monty to quieter known routes. Despite our best attempts he was still nervous, and we felt it would be in Monty’s best interests to not continue with his training.