Want to get on top of your terminology as your teacher about purchasing one of these little books. It has all you need to know of all your ballet grades.
Exciting news
As from April 2024 we will be introducing the new IDTA “First steps tap” syllabus to our “Hop, skip & dance” class and the “First steps ballet” from September 2024. Feeling excited 😆
Next intense stretch & pointe lesson
Saturday January 27th 2024 is the date you need for your diary. 16:30 – 17:15. If you have attended before and would like to return please make sure you book your space as spaces are limited.
Don’t forget!
🩰Tomorrow is our next stretch strengthen and pointe lesson. If you were invited to come along we start at 16:30. See you there 🩰
Pointe lessons
The dates for next batch of intense pointe lessons are as follows: Saturday October 7th 2023, Saturday November 18th 2023, Saturday 27th January 2024, & Saturday March 2nd 2024. To book any or all of these please just see your teacher.
Next Saturday pointe lesson
Our next specialist pointe lesson will be held on Saturday March 4th at St. Michael’s Church hall, from 16:15 till 17:00. Please inform your teacher if you wish to attend again.
Well we have made it. A full term without being locked down these past 13 weeks have been amazing back doing what I love best. I’m just sad that so many of you had to miss class this week due to isolating and that I will now not see you again until September. Some I...
We Have a green light and all classes for under 18’s will re start from Monday April 12th. SOOOOOOOO Excited 🙂
Only a Few Left
I There are only a few of these Ballet terminology booklets left. £2.50 each. If you would like me to reserve one for you please let me know. They cover all grades from Primary up to Advanced 2 inclusive. We will be covering our glossary during the new term using the new spinning wheels.